Grad Updates



Welcome Grads! Make sure you keep up to date on your Grad Google Classroom page. This is where most information will be posted.


Career Life Connections (CLC 12) 

Career Life Connections is a BC Ministry of Education required course. Students will meet the requirements for this course by completing 3 components to the course.

  • Part 1 is the online Google classroom course where students will go through a series of videos, assignments and reflections to make up 30% of the mark. This is due by End of May through creating a portfolio and uploading a series of assignments.
  • Part 2 is the Capstone project where students will do a 30 hour passion project that incorporates their career life pathway, working with a mentor, to make up 70% of the mark. The presentation of this project will be on in April & May.
  • Part 3 is the Exit Interview. This is a reflection time where students will meet with members of our community and reflect on their journey through school. This is a mandatory meeting with a completion/not completed mark.


Please see the BC Ministry of Education Webpage about the current Graduation requirements for all BC Residents.

Transcript Requests

Click this link for information on obtaining and sharing your secondary school transcript with post-secondary institutions. Former students can also use this site. Our school does not keep records onsite. 

Post Secondary Applications:

Applying to BC public universities and colleges also just got easier! Students can do it all: search, plan and apply on